Kitab Al-Muwatta Imam Malik

by PonPon Media

Books & Reference


Alhamdulillah, thanks be to Allah, finally we PonPon Media have successfully completed the applicati...

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Alhamdulillah, thanks be to Allah, finally we PonPon Media have successfully completed the application of Imam Maliks Kitab Al-Muwatta. Al-Muwatta, Al-Muwaththa or Muwatta Malik is a book of hadith and fiqh compiled by Imam Malik bin Anas, is one of the Kutubut Tisah (nine major hadith books among Sunnis).Imam Malik, namely Abu Abdullah Malik bin Anas bin Malik bin Abu Amir Al-Ashbahi (93 H and -179 H). He lived a lot in Medina. He is a well-known Islamic scholar, and the founder of the Maliki school. He is known to have more than a thousand students of whom the famous is Imam Shafei.During his life, Imam Malik kept updating his Book of Muwaththa him, so that this book reflects his learning and knowledge of more than forty years. This book contains thousands of hadiths.Imam Malik gave the name of his book of hadith with the name Al-Muwaththa because this book became the talk of the Muslims in his time, meaning that the book was easy to understand and and its benefits were taken by humans. Imam Malik said: "I showed this book of mine to 70 jurists of Medina. All agreed with me on it, so I gave it the name al-Muwaththa." [Tanwir al-Hawalik p. 7, as-Suyuthi].Kitab al-Muwaththa by Imam Malik is a book that contains the hadiths of the Prophet sallallaahualaihi wa sallam, the words (atsar) of the companions, the fatawa of the tabiin. [Tanwir al-Hawalik p. 8, as-Suyuthi]Al-Muwaththas position in the science of hadith is above Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim. Even Imam ash-Shafii said: "The most authentic book after the Quran is the Muwaththa Imam Malik." [Ulum al-Hadith p. 14, Ibn ash-Salah rahimahullah]Imam Malik did not write all the narrations of the Prophet. There are other scholars who collect other narrations. So this book consists of: - The words and deeds of the Prophet Muhammad (also known as the sunnah). The history of the words and deeds of the Prophet is called hadith. - Opinions and official decisions of the companions of the Prophet, their successors, and some later scholars.Contents Application Kitab Al-Muwatta Imam Malik :- Prayer Times- Thaharoh- Adhan- Corpse- Zakat- Fast- Itikaf- Hajj- Jihad- Nadzar And Faith- Slaughter of Sacrificial Animals- Prey- Aqiqah- Faraid- Marry- Thalak- Breastfeeding- Buy and sell- Loans- Sprinkling- Land Rent- Shufah- Justice- Freeing Slaves And Wala- Freed Slaves- Mudabbar- Violation Penalty- Drink- Ransom- Qussamah- EtcApplication Features Kitab Al-Muwatta Imam Malik :- Offline Application Without Internet Connection- Lightweight And Fast Application- Applications can be downloaded for FREE- Attractive Design, Simple And Easy To Use- Share feature- Page Zoom Feature (With Smartphone Screen Swipe)This Kitab Al-Muwatta Imam Malik application may still be far from perfect, therefore we are very open to receiving criticism and suggestions from all users. You can send criticism and suggestions for the development of this application. Hopefully this Kitab Al-Muwatta Imam Malik application is useful for all of us and congratulations on using this Kitab Al-Muwatta Imam Malik application from your respective devices . Thank you.